African-Print Fashion Now!


Contemporary African Fashion is a trending topic – not just on runways, in magazines or at festivals  – but also in museums. In Brighton, Great Britain, the exhibition “African Fashion Cities” is still running since April. Now the Fowler Museum, part of the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), is working on putting an exhibition together titled African-Print Fashion Now! A Story of Taste, Globalization, and Style. The exhibition is supposed to run from the 26th of March to the 30th of July 2017.

africanprint-promdress_ucla_exhibit In order to make this exhibition happen, the Fowler Museum has started a campaign to raise 20,000 USD. Your donation will help to build and increase awareness of African fashion, art, and culture. So hey, it is the giving season. If everyone who is reading this donates just 10 USD, we are already getting somewhere. The campaign will end on  the 1st of December.

Click here & donate for African-Print Fashion Now!




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